Saturday, June 09, 2007

10 Tips to Keep the Marriage Relationship Sparks Alive

I would like to offer you 10 tips on marriage relationship

I would agreed that it is not easy to maintain a good marriage relationship, the divorce rate has been going up trend. It seem that it will maintain at that trend. Hope that the below 10 tips help to have good marriage relationship.

10 little ways to keep the marriage sparks alive

1. Hold Hand
2. Laugh Together
3. Surprise each other with simple gestures and gifts
4. Praise your spouse
5. Go on date- just the two of you
6. Talk about your dreams for the future
7. Say 'I love you' at least once a day
8. Look your best - your spouse deserves it
9. Welcome hour spouse home with a hug and kiss
10. Say 'thank you' when your spouse does something for you.

As most married couples will tell you, getting hitched is the easy part. Fulfilling the 'till-death-do-us-part' vow, however, is another thing.

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